Monday, March 15, 2010

2012 - The End of the World?

Please excuse me while I am slightly amused at this topic. Lately there have been horrible things happening in the world: the earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, floods in places like Boston, where the waters are coming in from the ocean, and slowly but surely, Hawaii is being sunk to the ocean floor. Very slowly. Canada is not as cold as it used to be. Last year at this time, the snow storms were horrendous. This year, I've been wearing t-shirts and some days, I don't wear a jacket.

Yes it seems that mother nature has definitely been pissed off by the human race, and while I do not find the events mentioned above amusing, I find it a little far-fetched to assume it's the end of the world as we know it. The talk about the year 2012 has only recently been brought up. People are running scared thinking the world is going to crumble to pieces in 2012, floods will cover the earth as it shatters to pieces, and other parts will burn up.

What I'm wondering is did anyone actually start panicking about this BEFORE the movie 2012 was released? No. All the ruckus is completely over a movie, just like it was when the movie "Day After Tomorrow" came out. If we look at the scientific aspect, the world's top scientists have said this day MAY come, but only in another billion years. Frankly, I won't be around to see this happen, so I don't see what all the panic is. Are the current events leading toward the end of the world? No. Are they because of the hole in the Ozone layer? Probably. However, until people start recycling more and working to reduce their carbon footprint, they really need to stop panicking about the end of the world--especially when they are the ones bringing it on. As for 2012? It's just a movie people! Move on with your wasteful lives.

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