Saturday, March 27, 2010

The Screaming of the Babies

As a new mother, the things I am doing with my child are based on the advice and opinions from mothers before me. I don't necessarily listen to my own mother's advice (even though she successfully raised 4 kids), because as we all know that, sometimes, is not always the best advice.

One thing I have never had any patience for is the screaming of babies. With my own sisters who are quite a bit younger than I am, every time they would start crying or screaming, I would instinctively pick them up. Naturally, my mother hollered at me for this because she claimed it would spoil them.

Now I have a little girl, who to my surprise, never really cries unless she's tired or hungry. I am very lucky for that; however, only sometimes when I put her to bed she exercises her lungs and screams her little head off. I'd pace around her crib, pick her up, rock her and do whatever I could in hopes she would stop crying. There was nothing that would work, and so hours later she fell asleep in my arms and I could put her to bed.

One day, I was so frustrated I just put her in bed and left her there. Amazingly, she fell asleep within a half hour of screaming! It was then that I understood why my mother scolded me for picking up my sisters. Sometimes, you just have to let them cry. Bedtimes have definitely been easier! Thanks Mom.

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